While Cheney shoots first and asks questions later (Harry Whittington doesn't look remotely like a quail) he seems to think everyone should do the same.
How stupid do you have to be to make this statement:
and follow it with this:
While I personally do not confusion with responsible thoughtfulness. I do recognize that saying the President is dithering is saying to our enemies that we are weak. Does this guy really give a flying flip about how our is seen in the world or whether our actions take lives like the 5,000+ Americans and 100,000 lives of Iraq citizens.

He can talk to the American Enterprise Institute and idiots like Frank Gaffney all he wants about patriotism but it isn't patriotic to give awards to people who out our covert agents and are convicted felons but they do.
All in all I'd say let him talk though so history can record the insidious nature of the man and his callous use of our soldiers for his own self interests.
Good riddance Mr Dick Cheney
How stupid do you have to be to make this statement:
"The White House must stop dithering while America's armed forces are in danger," Cheney told the conservative Center for Security Policy. "It's time for President Obama to do what it takes to win a war he has repeatedly and rightly called a war of necessity."
and follow it with this:
"Make no mistake. Signals of indecision out of Washington hurt our allies and embolden our adversaries..."
While I personally do not confusion with responsible thoughtfulness. I do recognize that saying the President is dithering is saying to our enemies that we are weak. Does this guy really give a flying flip about how our is seen in the world or whether our actions take lives like the 5,000+ Americans and 100,000 lives of Iraq citizens.

He can talk to the American Enterprise Institute and idiots like Frank Gaffney all he wants about patriotism but it isn't patriotic to give awards to people who out our covert agents and are convicted felons but they do.
All in all I'd say let him talk though so history can record the insidious nature of the man and his callous use of our soldiers for his own self interests.
Good riddance Mr Dick Cheney
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