Look at the hits and News results for Joe Wilson

So if I got this right that is 0.10% or .0001 of our country dominating the President's message, a President that was elected by 53% of our country. So if we do another calculation President Obama received 66,882,230 votes while Wilson received 184,l583 or 0.00276 of the President's Mandate.
Times Online Obama Doesn't Want to Linger on Joe Wilson - 1 hour ago
Joe Wilson to the White House for a few beers any time soon. ... shouted that Obama was a "liar" during the president's speech to Congress Wednesday night. ...
U.S. News & World Report - 14454 related articles »
14,454 hits on one inane person

Joe Wilson: The shout of "You lie!" by Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C., during the president's speech on health care was a significant break in decorum.
Barack Obama: "I'm a big believer that we all make mistakes," Obama said in acknowledging the apology from Wilson. "I do think that, as I said last night, we have to get to the point where we can have a conversation about big important issues that matter to the American people without vitriol, without name-calling, without the assumption of the worst of other people's motives."
The news should be ashamed as should the "Liberal" shows like Keith Olberman and Ed Schultz and even Rachael Maddow for even trying to rebut that fool. Then there are those who glorify this man like Eric Cantor who fans the flames and Rush and the talk show anti-anything-good-for-the-average-person street corner preachers who teach hate for our countries leaders daily. They don't care about the truth if they can gain an advantage or avert our attention. All they do is feed the fire and give one man who is 0.1869% of Congress, at that he only represents 54% of the vote in one District 2 of South Carolina. While I do believe everyone's view is important it shouldn't overshadow the bigger and more important issue, health care.
So I say we ignore the ignorant rant of a man who is sincere but totally wrong.
This man uses a campaign ad to vilify the very people who supported the party he represents and says he is working for the "little guy" while voting for the very policies that deregulated and gutted rules for financial institutions.
My personal action is to make this the last words I speak or listen to about the "wrong" Joe Wilson.
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